Exploring the Power of Mindfulness

Exploring the Power of Mindfulness

What is mindfulness?

“Mindfulness” practices have been around for thousands of years.  However, the idea seems to be gaining a lot of steam in recent years.  What exactly is mindfulness, what are the benefits to individuals who practice it, and how does it apply in a work setting?

正念是“一种专注于当下的精神状态”, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations”.  简而言之,这是一种以非评判的方式敏锐地意识到当下的状态.  研究表明,培养活在当下的技能有很多好处.  让我们来看看通过冥想等练习来培养正念的好处.


Reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression

In an uncontrolled 2003 study, Jon Kabat-Zinn证明了正念冥想训练项目可以有效地减少焦虑和恐慌的症状.  因为在处理压力源时过度关注过去或未来可能与抑郁和焦虑的感觉有关, 坦率地、不带评判地体验当下,可以有效地抵消这些压力源的影响.  正念冥想中涉及的缓慢深呼吸也可以通过平衡交感神经和副交感神经反应来缓解身体压力症状.


Increase in “cognitive flexibility”

In another non-randomized trial from 2003, 理查德·戴维森(Richard Davidson)和其他人证明,冥想可以激活大脑中与压力或消极情况下适应性反应相关的区域,并对大脑和免疫功能产生明显的影响.  该区域的激活与被消极刺激后更快地恢复到基线相对应.


Boosts to working memory and focus

A 2010 prospective cohort study examined the effects of mindfulness on a person’s working memory.  参与者是在部署前处于高度紧张状态的军事团体和非军事民间团体.  Half of the military group was assigned to an 8-week mindfulness training, 另外一半的军事组和平民组没有接受训练.  研究人员发现,随着时间的推移,不进行冥想的军人组的工作记忆容量有所下降, whereas working memory capacity among non-meditating civilians was stable across time. Within the meditating military group, however, working memory capacity increased with meditation practice. In addition, 冥想练习与自我报告的积极情绪直接相关,与自我报告的消极情绪负相关.

A 2009 study 观察正念如何影响参与者集中注意力和抑制分心的能力.  当将有经验的冥想者与没有冥想经验的对照组进行比较时, 研究人员发现,冥想组表现出明显更高的自我报告的正念, which was correlated directly with cognitive flexibility and attentional functioning.


上面列出的好处只是通过正念练习可以获得的潜在好处的皮毛, 但研究表明,定期进行正念练习实际上会让人更快乐, more emotionally resilient, and more productive.

In the United States, 1600万成年人患有重度抑郁症,4000万成年人患有焦虑症.

What are the implications to an employer?

While some question the ethics of applying mindfulness practices for the purpose of increased worker productivity, the fact remains that, 而你的员工参与正念练习的主要好处是在个人层面上, you as the employer may be able to reap some of the benefits as well.  As we mentioned in a previous blog post, 工作场所的心理健康问题得不到治疗会产生很大的影响——无论是对员工个人还是对雇主的经济影响.  In the United States, 1600万成年人患有重度抑郁症,4000万成年人患有焦虑症.  研究人员分析了世界卫生组织对一份问卷的回答后发现,患有抑郁症的员工每年损失的工作日相当于27天,其中9天是由于请假或工作,另外18天是由于生产力下降.  因此,通过帮助你的员工更多地意识到他们的想法和情绪,并以积极的方式处理它们,你可能会提高公司的生产力.  Not to mention you will be doing what’s best for your employees’ mental health.

What resources exist?

Here in Wichita employers can turn to resources such as Retreat to Joy, which is a workplace mindfulness company that offers workshops, lunch and learns, and leadership training.  There are also several apps available, such as Calm or Headspace,为日常生活中培养正念提供指导性冥想和其他资源.  帮助你的员工保持正念也可以很简单,比如提供一个安静的空间来反思,或者建立“正念休息”,鼓励员工远离科技.

Be sure to register for our Mental Health in the Workplace educational offering on October 11, 我们将在哪里深入探讨心理健康问题,以及作为雇主的你如何最好地支持你的员工.


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